BOTOX (botolininum toxin)
The botolininum toxin has been widely used for more than 10 years to smooth the expression wrinkles. It works by selectively blocking the muscle where the injection is administered. It is ideal for expression wrinkles surrounding the eyes (“crow’s foot”), frown lines between the eyebrows and forehead wrinkles.
This procedure is performed at the surgeon’s office and the patient returns home immediately after the procedure. The rejuvenating effect takes place within the third and fifth day. Such effect lasts for 5 to 6 months.
Facial Fillers
Shadows from marked folds, pronounced facial lines (nasolabial folds, jowls), thin or deep wrinkles around the mouth and holes (resulting from acne or scars) may be refilled in different ways: through autogenous materials (fat or skin removed from other areas of the body) or synthetic (hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite). These components may also be used to make the lips fuller.
These procedures may be performed on an outpatient basis and results are immediately visible after the process. |