Body contouring surgery
Plastic surgery includes the different techniques to improve the cosmetic appearance of the human body.
Practically, requests are limited to three different areas in the body:
a) Arms
b) Trunk (including abdomen, flanks and back)
c) Lower limbs (including the buttocks and calves)
a) Arms
This is one of the most difficult areas. The patient must be carefully evaluated in order to be awarded the appropriate treatment, which can range from an arm liposuction to the performance of a skin and fat removal, known as arm dermolipectomy. The difference between the two procedures lies in whether there will be visible scars. In this area, the postoperative care is of the essence.
b) Trunk
The flanks and back can be appropriately shaped (with amazing results) by means of a liposuction. There are two different possibilities for the abdomen according to the type:
When there is an excess of localized fat deposits (adiposity) but no flaccidity in the skin or alterations in the abdominal wall, it is convenient to undergo an abdominal liposuction. This procedure involves minimum incisions (ranging from 3 to 4 mm) through which the abdominal area (generally including the flanks) is “suctioned” and shaped.
When, in addition to the excess of localized fat deposits (adiposity) there is flaccidity or a problem in the abdominal wall, it is convenient to have an abdominal dermolipectomy performed. This surgery results in a flat abdomen. Unlike in the case of an abdominal liposuction, there is an incision over the pubis (area covered by the bathing suit).
c) Lower limbs
In the lower limbs (hips, tights and legs) there is a quite common adipose tissue distribution which is the subject of a great number of women’s medical consultation. This is generally evidenced by the augmentation of volume in the outer tights (the so called “saddle”), adiposity in the inner tights and upper inner knees. These areas can be properly shaped by a liposuction. It is important to bear in mind that the postoperative compression with proper garment contributes to a rapid reincorporation to work (in a liposuction, incisions are not important but range from 3 to 4 mm).
When as well adiposity there is skin flaccidity in the inner thighs, a different procedure must be applied: a thigh dermolipectomy. The resulting scar is located within the inguinal fold.
All this surgical procedures are performed under peridural anesthesia or neurolepto-anesthesia. There is a 10-hour postoperative recovery.
The contour of the buttocks may be enhanced both by reducing their volume through a Buttocks Liposuction or by increasing their volume though a Lipofilling or a Buttocks Implant. This last surgery is made under peridural anesthesia, and the buttocks implant is inserted under the muscle, giving the shape and size desired by the patient.
The lower back part of the legs, the calves, can be augmented by applying silicone implants. The volume and design of the implant will determine the changes in the calves. This surgery is done under neurolepto-anesthesia or under peridural anesthesia. Four hours after the operation is done, and once recovered, the patient can return home with compression bandaging, which will be removed in a 15-day period.