"The selected plastic surgeon is a key issue in the outcome of the operation. His qualifications must be certified."
Dr. Oscar Marinacci, MD, took his training of study in the School of Medicine, University of La Plata. He completed the General Surgery training and made his residence at Hospital Privado de Comunidad de Mar del Plata. Subsequently, he completed his Plastic Surgery training at the University of Buenos Aires and became a proficient in that field.
Dr. Marinacci is a Member of several associations, namely: International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery; European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery; Iberolationamericam Society of Plastic Surgery;
Argentine Society of Plastic Surgery; Society of Plastic Surgery of the City of Buenos Aires; Argentine Medical Association (Aociación Médica Argentina).
Being a plastic surgeon, he worked as an assistant at the Hospital Nacional de Pediatría “Juan P. Garraham” and at the Hospital Fernandez, and he is currently working for the Instituto de Rehabilitación Psicofísica de Buenos Aires.
He has been an assistant professor of Plastic Surgery at the Universidad del Salvador de Buenos Aires and director of the “Microsurgery and Limbs Chapter” (“Capítulo de Microcirugía y Miembros”) of the Argentine Society of Plastic Surgery. He has been further invited to take part as speaker in many Congresses and Symposiums on plastic surgery. He was treasurer of the Society of Plastic Surgery of the City of Buenos Aires in 2003 and 2004, and made up the Organizing Committee for the X International Symposium on Plastic Surgery “XXI Century” for 2005.
During the last 20 years, Dr. Marinacci has performed more than 90 scientific works on his specialty at different Plastic Surgery Congresses and Symposiums. |