"Plastic Surgery: Science and Art"
"Plastic Surgery is a branch of medicine, where science and art come together so that aesthetic beauty and functionality are the end result.”
"Our goal is to find solutions to our patient´s concerns by sharing experience and knowledge and so achieving the best results. Preserving the body´s perfect harmony and naturalness, in a framework of absolute safety, is our biggest challenge"
New Plastic Surgery Center We would like to introduce you our new center of Plastic Surgery, located in the neighborhood of Palermo. Where we have highly skilled professionals and all the latest generation of technology for the service of theirs.
Surgical Procedures Hair transplantation surgery Baldness, (also known as Androgenic Alopecia) is the most common form of hair loss. Although this problem is mostly suffered by men, it can also affect women. Baldness has a high impact in men, being greater for the white race than for the black race. . .
Bulnes 1284, Palermo (CP 1176)
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
República Argentina
Tel.: (011) 5940-2379 info@marinaccigrupomedico.com.ar